Large Paper Flowers Peony (Composition 5 flowers)
Large Paper Flowers Peony (Composition 5 flowers)
Regular price
$875.00 USD
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$875.00 USD
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Large paper flowers can be used as home decor, idea for photo shoots, original gift to friends and family.
With the help of giant paper flowers you can easily and beautifully arrange any celebration - children's party, wedding, birthday. You and your guests will be pleasantly surprised when you see how much you can change the appearance of the room with paper flowers on the stem.
Price includes 5 flower:
- flower head with a diameter of 3 pcs - 65cm 1 pcs 40-45 cm and 1 pcs 30-40 cm according to the color palette
- foot stand based on the selected length on the order of metal or latex pipe The height that was used is 1.9 m 1.7 m 1.5 m
Flowers are made of Italian design crepe paper, which will withstand any weather conditions. You can also decorate the garden and patio with flowers if your event takes place outside.
Flower diameter 60 cm.
In standard sizes you can choose the height from 90 cm to 210 cm.
You can also apply for an individual order for several flowers on one stem or base.
Your wedding will be unforgettable with big flowers.
It is the perfect decor for photo zones, parties and events.
Your guests will be pleasantly surprised by this design of the holiday.
Your photos will be fantastic!
If you are looking for something individual write to me and I will find for you something special.
With the help of giant paper flowers you can easily and beautifully arrange any celebration - children's party, wedding, birthday. You and your guests will be pleasantly surprised when you see how much you can change the appearance of the room with paper flowers on the stem.
Price includes 5 flower:
- flower head with a diameter of 3 pcs - 65cm 1 pcs 40-45 cm and 1 pcs 30-40 cm according to the color palette
- foot stand based on the selected length on the order of metal or latex pipe The height that was used is 1.9 m 1.7 m 1.5 m
Flowers are made of Italian design crepe paper, which will withstand any weather conditions. You can also decorate the garden and patio with flowers if your event takes place outside.
Flower diameter 60 cm.
In standard sizes you can choose the height from 90 cm to 210 cm.
You can also apply for an individual order for several flowers on one stem or base.
Your wedding will be unforgettable with big flowers.
It is the perfect decor for photo zones, parties and events.
Your guests will be pleasantly surprised by this design of the holiday.
Your photos will be fantastic!
If you are looking for something individual write to me and I will find for you something special.
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