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Standard Shipping

We can ship to 192 countries in cooperation with their national postal operators. This is an opportunity for you to send shipments to 660,000 branches in more than 230 countries and territories of the world.

By adding the product to the cart during checkout, you can find out the rate for delivery to your country. And the possibility of delivery.

It is also necessary to take into account the delivery time, as standard postal delivery has an average delivery time of 20 to 25 days. You can find out more details from our manager.

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Express delivery

We cooperate with several commercial postal operators (FedEx, UPS, TNT, DHL, EMS) This allows you to choose the best option for price and delivery speed.

To calculate the cost of delivery, since most of our products are made individually and do not have constant and standard sizes and quantities. We recommend that you contact us so that we can calculate the delivery for you.

FedEx Express 

UPS Express

Delivery time

Delivery from 5 to 12 working days

Delivery countries

220 delivery countries

Shipping cost

Minimum parcel from 20 USD



Delivery time

Delivery from 5 to 10 working days

Delivery countries

UPS International Shipping covers many countries around the world, including most countries in Europe, North America, Asia, Australia, Africa, and South America. Exact destinations may vary depending on the region of origin and service selected.

Shipping cost

Minimum parcel from 32 USD



DHL Express 

EMS Express

Delivery time

Delivery from 9 to 12 working days

Delivery countries

220 delivery countries

Shipping cost

Minimum parcel from 42 USD



Delivery time

Delivery from 12 to 15 working days

Delivery countries

130 delivery countries.

Shipping cost

Minimum parcel from 12 USD



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Shipping to USA and Canada

Delivery to the USA and Canada is relevant, with delivery by standard postal service from 14 to 21 business days.

Also, please note that during the Christmas holidays there are sometimes delays in delivery from 30 to 40 days in very rare cases.

Also, please note that large-sized parcels, if the recipient was not at home during delivery, are delivered to the local post office and a notice is left asking to contact and schedule a repeat delivery or pick it up yourself..

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Delivery large orders

This type of delivery works only for EUROZONE countries.

Delivery conditions work for wholesale orders or orders over 1000 US dollars. We form the supply of selection of vehicles by our managers.

Customs clearance is carried out by our employees, you do not need any additional costs and companies. Delivery is carried out directly to you at the point you specify. You only need to indicate contacts and the delivery address.

It is also advisable to additionally indicate a second contact or employee who can receive the goods outside working hours.

Since our delivery can be after 6 pm and on Sat-Sun.

The delivery itself takes from 4 to 10 days. Everything depends on the speed of passing the customs point at the border.

Customs clearance 

Customs clearance is handled by the customs authorities of the receiving country. Duty collection is handled by the postal delivery service.

Please pay attention to the maximum permissible limits for duty-free import of goods into your country before placing an order and paying for delivery.If the permissible threshold for duty-free import of goods into the receiving country is exceeded, you will be charged a customs duty upon receipt of the goods.

Our managers have various options for assistance in processing parcels: how to get the minimum duty or get into the duty-free delivery option

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Contact us shipping department