Yarn and craft materials

Clothing and comfort of your home

Decor and design

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Holiday Arches and Walls

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Artificial flower decor

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Paintings by numbers

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Polygonal sculptures

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Wall decor

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Materials for handicrafts and floristry

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Metal-plastic pipes

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Bouquet/Flower Wrapping Papers

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Foam blanks

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Cardboard and wood blanks

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Satin and rep ribbons

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Filler for toys and furniture


From small steps to big flights...

Hello everyone! My name is Svyatoslav... this is not a custom-made cute article from the ai or from the editors)) Just a short story about our company =)

When you take your first steps, it is always with mistakes, it is always hard, we are no exception, we had no finances or help from others, there was an idea and a desire to be independent and work for your own pleasure and help people like us!

Yes, we started exactly from 0, but zero is also good, plus not minus)) We tried for a year, searched for ourselves and found the first client - this is what gives not just hope, this is what gives strength to tear and work with effort, yes, there was a lull, then a calm, and it seemed that all this was a complete failure .... Only our symbol, our cats, saved us, if there weren’t so many of them that it’s difficult to count them on the fingers of one hand, we would have disappeared - Thank you guys, you are our foundation, as well as our main cat Fuzzy ...

And yet, no, we walked, yes, everyone had their own job, I worked at a factory, someone in a supermarket, but we walked ... And then came the day when we realized that you always need to walk, even when you no longer like everything, when it’s better to turn around. One morning we simply could not believe our eyes, all our work was rewarded... Clients came to us, they liked our products, they wanted it, and we were simply falling off our feet but working, sleeping on bags with goods and boxes with orders.... My house turned into a mini factory and all our houses.

This riot of colors, yes, you get tired, but damn you like it, this adrenaline, this thrill when you drag another batch of parcels to the post office, this is what you experience. And every step, every movement, NO, it is no longer hard, although it is physically difficult, but you understand that you are already soaring, your idea is alive and it is getting stronger. You start working even harder, other like-minded people joined us, of course, some went into free swimming and some have been with us for a very long time, but we are creative individuals at heart and we demand freedom, we are united by one goal, one impulse and these are new and new works...

Today I would say that the steps that we took turned our gait into a flight, our clients into our friends and our comrades,

Many will say how can you make decor and at the same time sell materials for your competitors in different directions, but I will tell you that we have no competitors, we believe that everyone is free to create and show their creation, we are only happy to help with our knowledge with the material, because who else but us knows how important a high-quality thread made of natural wool or cool bright paper that holds its shape perfectly... But the most important thing in our flight is the goal and mission that our team has found to continue the flight and we invite you to join it ...

Explore now

Our best works

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